07. Juni 2024


third wind


LP  €  31,99
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Über diesen Artikel

Named for the band's third lease on life, Third Wind finds Gulfer at a unique moment in their ten-plus year career. When they started in 2011, Gulfer played scrappy, complex math rock influenced by the emo revival. But in 2024 they've emerged almost unrecognizable, while still retaining the spirit of what made them all fall in love with Gulfer in the first place. And that's owed in large part to guitarist/vocalist Joseph Therriault. With a new emphasis on atmosphere and more straightforward songwriting, Gulfer give themselves space to explore audaciously. Album opener "Clean" gets as close to pop as the band has ever been, where "No Brainer" dabbles deftly in downer rock that asks "what even is my fucking place in the world?"